Goodreads Is Dead To Me *cries* (Reblogged)

I saw a status update this morning of one of my friends on GR complaining about how the kerfuffle was clogging up their feed and they wished that everyone who had a problem with GR would just leave.


Several people commented disputing that, but it made me realize that I've been hanging on to GR because of my "friends". So it made me realize something: if the group of people I was friends with was more upset about 1star reviews and Hydra reviews clogging up their feed than they were about the censorship and hypocrisy of the GR Management, then maybe it was time to truly cut my ties to GR and to them.


So I canceled my account.


It felt like the time, years ago, when my best friend from college went slightly off the rails and stalked my cousin for a month. I had to take some steps that neither of us liked, but were necessary. That is what this feels like, a cutting off of a good friend who has gone bad.


And it hurts. It hurts not having some of those friends anymore. It hurts because several of them think that what is going on at GR is no big deal. It hurts because they have made it clear that they think my reaction is wrong.


But I've made the cut. There will be no more going back and just "looking around", like a drug addict just cruising the old haunts "for memory's sake".


I've made my home at Booklikes now and I hope I can continue old friendships, create new ones and make this site a better place for others with my thoughts and reviews. Sorry for the maudlin tone of this post, but I've been a member of GR since '07, so it wasn't something done lightly


So here's to new beginnings at Booklikes. "L'chaim!"