MacRieve - Kresley Cole I truly wish I wouldn't have read this book. One short paragraph could summarize what this story meant to the overall IAD ARC. Instead, I wasted a lot of time and money getting very frustrated.

I'll list my reasons, because they probably won't bug most people, but I'm putting spoiler alerts around them just in case somebody considers the comments to be spoilers.

1- The prologue includes MacRieve, as a very young boy, being raped for years.
2- After the initial save of Chloe, the story was very boring. The characters were uninspired, and I struggled to even want to read this.
3- But then, instead of it getting interesting while they fight for something together, the book takes another horrible turn and the characters now hate each other! Approximately half of the book was spent listening to MacRieve and Chloe fight with each other in a very mean-spirited way.
4- Her first time having sex was with somebody who hated her. How did the author expect that to be sexy at all?
5- I didn't buy them getting past everything to all of sudden loving each other. Chloe was too good for him.
6- The ending was just depressing. Just a set-up for another hate-filled story.