Dead Man and the Restless Spirits (Dead Man, #1) - Lou Harper Spirits and romance mix in this fast-paced, enjoyable story.

Denton Mills can see the spirits of those who have died. It has made his life a bit challenging, but it's about to get a lot better after he meets Bran Maurell. Bran is a witch who cleanses homes and has a very prickly personality. Denton and Bran start to work together and also begin to have feelings for each other. But Bran has a secret, and he's afraid Denton will leave once he finds out.

Denton was a great guy with a lighthearted personality. I liked his partner, Joy, and enjoyed watching them interact on their web design business. Bran was a challenge at some points with his grouchy personality. At the same time, I liked that he never really changed outside of smiling a bit more and starting to warm up a little. It made the story much more realistic.

As we learn his secrets, his issues make perfect sense which just made him more lovable. Most of the sex in this story takes place off page. However, there is a bit of kink involved once you learn Bran's secret. This definitely made the little bit of sex extremely steamy in a unique way.

I loved the paranormal elements and how they played perfectly with the romance angle. There were a few different cases they took on which kept the story moving quickly without ever getting overwhelming or confusing. The most emotional moment in the story, which had me in tears, actually took place between two of the spirits.

There were some minor open ends in the story which make me hope I'll see these characters in future stories of the Sanquine series. Denton plays a role in the first story in the series, but it wasn't necessary to read it before this one.

I highly recommend this sweet paranormal romance with quirky characters and some really touching moments which made for a delightful read.

The Romance Review

This review was originally written for The Romance Reviews. Copy provided by author in return for an honest review.